

Marie started her art education at 14 at the prestigious Sevres High School of Applied Arts in France. She then spent one year at the Paris ECV Graphic school before entering the reknown Paris based Olivier de Serres Art School where she graduated with a Bachelor in Product Design in 2008. 


Marie then moved to Scotland where she started her journey with clay all the while studying her Master in Interdisciplinary Design at the Napier University of Edinburgh.


After 5 years of life abroad and having met her Czech partner, she made the big move to Prague where she settled and opened her ceramic studio, Terra Ceramics Prague in 2014. 

Marie has been living in Prague for 10 years. With her son and partner, they enjoy the beauty of the city but also its beautiful green outskirts where they like to go for walks and ride on their unicycle.


 Made for you with Love


"Terra Ceramics is the result of my long-lasting passion for ceramics. I love simplicity and it inspires me everyday to create objects that are both functional and unique.
I grew up in suburban Paris as an only child. When i discovered the wheel more than 10 years ago I immediately fell in love and finding the perfect shape and the perfect imperfections has been a journey that I can see myself pursuing until my old age. When the kiln opens there is always a lesson to be learned and the next piece brings me a little closer to the natural perfection I am looking for."


"I still remember vividly spending whole summer days covered in mud and playing kitchen at the bottom of a tree my mother had just watered . My relationship with nature has played a great role and I knew early on that I wanted to live a life in the modern world that would be connected to the earth and respectful towards it."



In her Prague studio, Marie Poirot likes to explore the endless possibilities of the clay and in her pieces, you will always find an organic touch.

You can find Marie's pieces in re-known restaurants including the Hilton Hotel, Levitate Restaurant, GRAM. Prague, Letterpress Café or Casa de Carli in Prague as well as many homes all around the world. 



 "Allowing space for accidents is the hardest thing to learn as it requires to let go of the rules. This quest characterizes my great love and respect for nature and the beauty of organic shapes."


Marie studied Product Design in Paris before graduating with a Master in Interdisciplinary Design in 2010 in Scotland.

Pepperfield 2021- present

Levitate Restaurant 2019

Pepperfield 2021- present




Pro rodiny, kde vtipné hlášky raději sdělují z očí do očí je dobrou volbou keramika od studia Terra. Minimalismus říznutý organikou. Tak by se dala ve zkratce definovat tvorba tohoto pražského studia, které založila Marie Poirot, jež do Prahy přišla před časem z rodné Paříže. Maria lpí nejen na formě, ale i na funkčnosti a snad i proto najdete její výrobky v řadě lokálních restaurací. Vybrané pokrmy vám na něj naservírují v pražském Hiltonu, Casa de Carli nebo podniku Levitate. Maria se ráda inspiruje v přírodě a surovém naturalismu. Proto jsou její talíře nebo hrnky od pohledu autentické a nepodbízivé. 

V nejnovější kolekci se ale nebojí ani netradičních experimentů. Pod stromeček tak můžete vybrat například nezvyklou kombinaci keramiky a perel. Zdá se vám to extravagantní? Výsledek je překvapivě střídmý, i když pozornost každého hosta zaručeně upoutá. Terra Ceramics jsou jako dělané pro milovníky zemitých tónů, střídmé pragmatičnosti ale rozhodně  to není žádné nudné konvence. Kdo chce doma stolovat stejně jako v prvotřídních restauracích, nechť nakoupí jídelní servis u Marie Poirot. Hosté vám budou tleskat, i když naservírujete jen míchaná vajíčka.


Překvapte milovníky kávy jedním nebo více těmito jedinečnými designovými hrnky s pravými zlatými kousky. Jedná se o originální a jedinečný dárek, který lze kombinovat s pěkným sáčkem čerstvé zrnkové kávy nebo oblíbeným čajem. Ať už jej koupíte pro sebe nebo darujete jako dárek, bude tento hrnek vždy elegantním a moderním doplňkem každé domácnosti. Na stránkách výrobce najdete řadu dalších originálních keramických kousků. K dostání na www.terra-ceramics.com

About the Atelier

At Terra we produce one of a kind handmade & handthrown ceramic pieces sold to local restaurants & cafés as well as all over the world to individuals. We are a very small studio focused on small orders and limited editions.

Terra Ceramics is a pottery workshop filled with a positive and warm atmosphere and aimed at all the people out there who would like to unleash their inner self for a few hours away from daily life and routine. 

We offer short 6-week beginner wheel courses as well as one- off discovery masterclasses on the wheel for those who would like to learn hands on in our Terra studio and get inspired by our style and approach.

The studio is equipped with a large selection of glazes, clays, decorative materials and tools. Our teaching approach combining technique and freedom help students achieve things they never thought possible.  

Now is your turn.